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Welcome to Chains Unbroken

12:50, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)


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Name: Erdselavi
Rank: Freeborn Noble
Actual Age/Apparent Age: 1013/youthful
Gender: Male (can shift)
Race: Ulitharid
Occupation: Slaver/Slave Auctioneer/Plantation Owner

Description: Erdselavi is humanoid in appearance with an octopus-like head that contains a lamprey like mouth and six tentacles, 6'4" and 214. Long dexterous fingers numbering three along with a thumb and two toed feet that are webbed. His skin is greyish in color with a light coating of a slime and black doll-like eyes. Erdselavi enjoys jewelry in unique geometric patterns and of different metal types, often with gems. Most often he is found in black clothing or the finest leathers, shirt and pants along with a long cloak with attached deep hood. Though he carries a dagger, it is never used for anything more than cutting fresh meat to be eaten. It is the whip that he carries that sees the most use, long and made of some type of leather that conducts magical energies.

*Psionic: Wide range of psionic abilities...telepathic communication, mental blast, levitation, plane shift, teleportation, detect thoughts, dominate/suggestion.

*Sorcerer: Skilled in a wide range of magics...combat and utilitarian.

History: Erdselavi came to town some four hundred years ago and carved out a nice little space for himself. Through sufficient wealth, access to certain items and a sometimes cruel intelligence...he was able to stay. He took ownership of a large bit of land, building himself his own little plantation on it with a simple one hundred slaves...sometimes swelling to nearly two hundred.

Little is known about Erdselavi's past except that he came from the underground and is a mind flayer of no small power. He appeared with two slaves/bodyguards already at his side and a mountain of wealth that he was more than willing to use. And he evidently left his colony due to his unique nature and proclivities.

What is known is that he is a usual at the slave auctions and is known to buy many slaves, not always of the best quality. His plantation is surrounded by high stone walls topped with metal spikes and features large iron gates. The manor house is rather large, housing not only himself but his two personal slaves/bodyguards and his house servants. His slaves all eat well and appear to be well cared for otherwise with no complaints ever coming from anywhere.

Culture: See D&D mind flayer details but with a much longer lifespan.

Sexual Orientation: Pansexual