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Welcome to Chains Unbroken

14:08, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Tinia Reed

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Name: Tinia Reed
Rank: Slave
Actual Age/Apparent Age: Unknown/23
Gender: Female
Race: Ghost

Description: Tinia appears to be a young elven woman of twenty-three years of age but is much much older than that. Currently she has long black hair and slightly pale white skin, standing 5'6" and weighing a bit of 110. Blue eyes shine with a mixture of intelligence and hatred due to her continued existence in 'chains'. She has never given up the facial pigmentations that her last master wanted her to have, kind of liking them. Around her neck, wrists and ankles are what amounts to her collar which are strips of inch wide cloth. On the one around her neck are inscribes a number of runes and glyphs in black and red which amount to binding spells. Bands around her wrists and ankles contain a series of little iron bells that jingle when she moves.

Her normal choice of clothing is a dress or sometimes something easier to move in depending upon what she is doing. But that changes depending on the desires of her current master as they can make her change them at will.

*Ghostly Abilities: Tinia has many ghostly abilities though most of them are inhibited by the series of collars that she wears. She can still change her clothing as she or more specifically, her owner wants her to wear. She can also make small changes to her own personal appearance...eye color, hair color, skin color and even make tattoos or other markings as desired. Healing of any inflicted wound is possible, no blood but the pain is very much real to her and she is immortal still.

If her bindings were to ever be removed...she could become invisible, actually hurt someone, possess another person, manipulate objects (telekinesis), travel into the astral realm and use fear on them.
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History: Having 'lived' for at least ten thousand years, Tinia remembers only bits and pieces of her past lives with her former masters. And she is not even sure if Tinia is her real name as it has been changed as well. Only thing she knows for sure is that her overall appearance is the true her; except for maybe her hair color, skin color and eye color.

She does remember being the eldest daughter of a powerful elven family in a city of white marble. How she was coveted and doted on by her family. Wanted by many suitors when she reached her age. Stolen by a human necromancer that had been spurned by her family and her for a better match. It was he that kidnapped her, bound her with the bands she wears and ripped the spirit from her body. He was killed and her taken as a spoils of that victory.

At one time she had been the property of a copper dragon till he was killed by a red dragon that coveted his treasure. Many thousands of years she lived as his slave till he was killed by a group of adventurers.

Then at a much later time, the slave of a wealthy woman that needed a bobble on her arm and plaything in her nightly sadistic games.

Now she finds herself in Leera, still a slave and going to appear at the auctions to be bought by someone.
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Culture: Do ghosts have a culture? Shouldn't they be allowed to cross to the other side? Or if they stay behind, shouldn't it be due to unfinished business? Magic binds her here along with the iron that encircles her wrists and ankles. A locket holds a piece of her hair that binds her to her master.

Sexual Orientation: Pansexual