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Welcome to The House of Ice and Fire

05:06, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)


Nyla Sylvayn
Age: Middle Age (40-ish... if you ask for specifics, she will just smile at you until you get the hint)
Status: 4
Role: a mix between an Expert and a Schemer
Background: She married the (now deceased) younger brother of the liege lord.
Goal: Security- Continue to have a comfortable life and remain in good favor with my liege lord and his family.
Motivation: Stability- She did not grow up with many comforts. She would like to maintain the ones she has managed to acquire.
Virtue: Magnanimous- She is very personable and charismatic. The life of the party. The favorite aunt (if you get past the eccentricities.
Vice: Licentious- She enjoys gossip. It takes a considerable effort and force of will not to ‘dish.’

Agility 3
Athletics 2 (flaw)
Awareness 5 [Empathy +2]
Cunning 3
Deception 3
Fighting 1
Language 3
Knowledge 4 [Streetwise +1, Education +1]
Marksmanship 3 [Bow +1]
Persuasion 4 [Charm +1, Convince +1]
Status 4
Thievery 1
Will 6 [Dedication +1]
Everything else is a 2


height- 5”2” (short, like other crannogmen)
weight- 115
age- she would say “over 40” and if prodded she would ask how much older than 40 YOU thought she was. (46)
color of hair- brown
skin- fair with olive undertones
eyes- brown
Handedness- right

Who is Nyla? She is a feisty woman from the north with power. Divination and green dreams run her family, so she has never shied away from her gifts. She is the life of any party. Always fashionably late. “If the party doesn’t actually start until you arrive, you are never late.”

Any friends, rivals, enemies? Everyone is an acquaintance of this social butterfly. She has family, and she is and has been a mentor to some for both sorcery and the social arts. She has very few who would be true friends that do not already fit into one of the other two categories. She does not recognize any rivals... there are none that could effect her station, so why bother with such petty people? She does not have any enemies that she knows of in the vale. She tends to “play fair,” even though she can have an unfair advantage because of her gift. The Frays are an enemy of the crannogmen and House Reed (her birthday house).

What's her backstory? She was married for political reasons to a very handsome man, but their marriage only lasted a few years since he died in Robert’s Rebellion. During those 3 years, she made herself indispensable to her new family because of her power as well as her charm in social situations. The north is not exactly the best place to hone your intrigue skills, but natural charisma allowed her to hone those skills in the Vale without too many consequences that couldn’t be explained as “Northern Eccentricities” [her term].

Other information:
- Born into house Reed in the North, she was part of a political marriage that helped to solidify the alliance between the north and the Vale while Eddard Stark was a ward of John Arryn.
- Proficient in divination magic. (Natural Born Sorcerer)
- She has prophetic dreams ever since she was a young girl.
- She will never refuse a host’s food and drink offered in good faith. (Obligation) However, that does not mean that she will finish all of the food. She has a lot of nice dresses that she would like to continue to fit into.
- She doesn’t always need to get her way, but when she sets her mind to something, things can get... intense.
- Tiberius was her late husband. He was the brother of the last head of house and uncle to the current head of house. He died in Robert’s Rebellion. They had a childless marriage.
- She helped raise the current head of house and his siblings. She was more fun than motherly and more eccentric than strict.
-In battle, if negotiations and I intrigue have failed, she does not just sit on the sidelines and wait with the women and children. She adopts the fightings style of other crannogmen, and fires poisoned arrows (she has a frog spear as well, but it’s mostly sentimental as she prefers her longbow).