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Welcome to X-Men: Worlds Turning

16:06, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)


NAME: Cindie Mahr
DATE OF BIRTH: 06/29/01
AGE: 17
ETHNICITY: Acadian Cajun for the most part
NICKNAME: June bug (She hates this)
HEIGHT: 43 1/4 inches
WEIGHT: 32 lbs if unconscious or powers are neutralized
GENDER: Female
HOME: Rogue Parrish, Bayou Teche, Louisiana

APPEARANCE: Cindie has always been small or to be totally honest tiny.  Diagnosed as being a midget at a very early age she was only 26 inches tall when she started first grade and weighed barely 25 pounds.  Now at 17 she is just a cat whisker over 42 inches and her true weight is unknown as it seems to shift from just a few ounces to a few pounds.  She is very slender with little in the way of curves to her body.  What people tend to notice first about Cindie, after her diminutive size, is how much she resembles a Pixie out of some fantasy story.  She has a sharply pointed chin with high, clearly defined cheek bones, ears that sweep up into delicate points at the tips with no ear lobes and her eyes are large, almost anime in their dimensions and actually glow with clear blue light at all times.  A set of dragonfly like wings grow from her back and when fully spread they are as wide as she is tall.  They are composed of a clear chitin like substance that refracts light into a rainbow of colors within the wings when it hits at the right angle.  Her body is also covered with blue/green chitin armor plates which she tries to hide under her clothes.  Her skin, where not covered by this chitin armor, is a dusky Caucasian rather like coffee with lots of cream.

Periodically Cindie has to 'shed' this chitin armor which is rather traumatic for her.

Cindie's latest molt, a process she calls a 'Hardening', and involves her becoming encased in a moth like chrysalis was rather traumatic for her not to mention startling for those around her. When she emerged after almost 2 weeks she was exhausted, weak, disoriented, half starved, and suffering the effects of prolonged sensory deprivation. She seems to have bonded closely to Seth at that time as he was the first person she saw upon 'awakening'.

She had also grown a bit over an inch in height, her four dragonfly like wings were almost a foot longer and the chiton plates had spread to cover more of her body  and her skin had gained a constant faint blue glow. She was also as bald as a billiard ball. As this had never happened before and she was very proud of her hair Cindie finds this very upsetting.

Prior to this Hardening Cindie was very androgynous in appearance with little to indicate she was female. After the molt she has gained some slight but noticeable female curves and a bit of rounding out.

Cindie has let her coal black hair grow out until it will drag on the ground behind her unless she binds it up in some fashion.

PRIMARY MUTATION: Contrary to her physical appearance Cindie's primary mutant ability is actually a form of tactile telekinesis.  In order for this ability to work she must be in physical contact with an object in order to effect it.  When she does lift an object or person she is lifting the entire object with her TK so being able to get a grip or a hand hold is not really an issue.  It is her TK that allows her to fly although her wings do provide additional thrust and maneuverability.  As this power is always active as long as she is conscious she appears to have little or no weight.  She can stand on a slender twig or the surface of a pond just as if it was solid ground. Oddly the wind will not effect her in spite of her seeming weightlessness, at least no more than it would someone else of her size.  Her Tactile TK also lets her lift and carry weights that by all rights should be well beyond her capabilities.  She can lift and fly with up to 1000 pounds with no appreciable loss of speed although it will quickly wear her out.

It has recently been discovered that Cindie can throw a small item (roughly 1 pound) with a velocity approaching the speed of sound. Her aim is another mater.

An interesting aspect of Cindie's TK is she can use it to control and manipulate her hair to some extent.  She can use it to grip and hold or lift items or to slip into tiny places she can not reach.  Her hair is not any stronger than normal hair so it can still be fairly easily cut or broken  but the full plait is thick enough to make a rather secure binding.

Her TK also bolsters her physiology making her harder to injure but not bullet proof by any stretch of the imagination. It does however support her internal organs and muscles making them far less likely to be bruised or damaged by a collision or blunt force trauma. Her Chitin exoskeleton also helps with that but if it is ever cracked it is extremely painful and won't heal until the next time she has to shed it.

Another recent development is the discovery that Cindie's TK ability will warp the force of an impact around her leaving her uneffected by it. Unfortunatly whatever is on the opposite side of her will get hit by the force of the impact even if it is several feet away, although the force does decrease rapidly. As of yet this is rather unpredictable and the lower and upper threshholds for it are unclear. It has also been observed that when Cindie is fully exerting her TK ability shockwave like ripples will form in the air around her. The cause of this is still unknown.

As noted, Cindie can fly and the truth of the matter is she rarely walks. Instead she moves in short, fast hops that can cover anywhere from 3 feet to 12 feet. This is mainly so she can keep up with all the giant, long legged freaks.  Her top flight speed is almost 170 MPH but she can only maintain it for a short burst and that will leave her exhausted but she is getting better.  It also sounds like a very large, very pissed off wasp.

SECONDARY MUTATIONS:  As already mentioned Cindie is very small, has a chitin exoskeleton, and large dragonfly like wings but a less obvious secondary mutation is that she is capable of generating a form of bio-luminescent light that radiates out from her whole body. This can range from a low level steady blue glow up to a blinding burst of light that can leave a person blinded for several minutes if they were in the dark.  Cindie can maintain a low level glow for several hours but a burst will exhaust the compounds required.  The brighter the light she produces the more quickly she will burn out.

SPECIAL NOTE: Cindie's metabolism burns through sugars like a house on fire. Given half a chance she would eat straight honey and her morning coffee is more like syrup than anything.  She can also suck down a 2 liter bottle of soda in less than a minute.  Strangely, for her, the phosphorous in most colas is good for her as it is part of the chemical composition that allows her to glow.

The improvements to Cindie's diet since arriving at the school have played a major role in her improved health and endurance and the steady enhancement of her abilities.

PERSONALITY:  Cindie has never been the brightest bulb in the box.  It is not that she is stupid, but more a case that new concepts and ideas seem reluctant to fit inside of her head. This made school very difficult for her and even with devoted effort the best she ever achieved in any class was a middle 'C'.  This has made her slow to voice her opinions or thoughts as she is afraid that she will appear slow. In spite of this she is friendly and outgoing and she can be generous to a fault.

Even after several months at the school she still does not accept or believe any positive comments directed her way or believe that she has any intrinsic value she is bringing to the school. She refuses all gifts or charity offered to her and insists on working to try and pay her way although she is, in her mind just falling further and further behind.

It seems as if it is almost physically impossible for Cindie to stay still and she is THE poster child for HAADD. Even when asleep her wings vibrate producing a low buzzing hum.

It should be noted that the nickname 'June bug' which she always disliked has become particularly offensive since her powers fully manifested.

HISTORY: Cindie was born into a poor family in a very poor backwater town in Bayou Teche Louisiana. As the saying goes, Daddy was a high jumper and Momma had a wandering eye. Evidence of this is the fact that Cindie, her older Brother and her younger Brother all have different Fathers yet her Mother has never married.

Rogue Parrish was so small that the only business it would support was the local bar and the closest school and church was twenty miles away. Hunting and poaching were often a matter of survival and there was a lot of shady and down right dark activities that took place in the area that got a blind eye turned toward them.

Cindie was always a more than a bit of an embarrassment to her Ma do to her small size and when her mutant abilities began to appear (glowing in the dark is hard to miss) she became the Families dark little secret and that which was not talked about.  She was removed from school and restricted to the house and even once or twice chained in the basement when she broke the rules. It was only the fact that it was such a pain trying to take care of her down there that got her released both times.