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Welcome to Unstable (a PbtA game of psychic abilities)

04:05, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Lucy Lopez

The Basics:
Name: Lucrezia Anastacia Lopez (“Lucy”)
Place of Birth: Miami, FL
Date of Birth: February 2, 2003 (18 yrs)
Height / Weight: 5'1", 96
Hair / Eyes: Dark Brown / Blue

High Concept: Angry Psychic Runaway

The best word to describe Lucy’s stature is simply "small."  Even stock phrases like "dancer’s body" or "runner’s physique" that some women employ to suggest an efficiently compact frame don’t seem to apply to her; she could at best be generously described as "willowy," if one were to overlook that she stands all of 5'1" and looks like she could scarcely hold up to an enthusiastic gust of breeze, to say nothing of taking a punch.  In superficial appearance, Latina heritage is apparent in her gently bronzy skin and rich coffee brown hair, though her marble-blue eyes don’t seem to fit the ethnic norm.  Delicate, very feminine features and high cheekbones and full pouty lips afford her a charming presentation but do nothing to counter her overall aura of being a flimsy little wisp of a girl.

Being physically unimposing does not, however, stop her from throwing her weight around.  Her presence is intensely magnetic, wildly out of proportion to the physical space she occupies: it fills up rooms, dominates conversations, and demands attention.  She’s not shy about her opinions, or her wants, or really anything at all, and although she’s generally friendly and easy enough to get along with in her calm moments, she can be tempestuously, unpredictably, defiantly short-tempered, and refuses to be afraid to get in peoples’ faces, raise her voice, and cuss like a trucker when she feels provoked.  She does her best to bolster this tough-girl demeanor with her wardrobe as well, usually decked out in artfully torn black jeans and chunky black boots and an everpresent black leather bomber jacket, worn over a rainbow array of clingy tank tops and tight rock band T-shirts that do their best to highlight her subtle curves.

Her voice is a bell-clear, brassy coloratura soprano which in English bears both a gentle Hispanic lilt and a faint remnant of a backwoods southern twang that she does her best to vanquish; in Spanish her accent and idiom are pure Cuban.  And those vocal quirks are about as much as most people are likely to ever know about Lucy’s background: she doesn’t talk about her past or where she’s from, and if she has or has ever had any family she doesn’t mention it.  Direct questions about her history are likely to be firmly rebuffed the first time, and aggressively rebuffed if pressed.

Likes: Loud music, motorcycles, living large, money, men with nice athletic muscle tone, baseball, really fantastic coffee, talking in her mother tongue, staying up late and sleeping until noon, tall shoes, her beloved black leather bomber jacket

Dislikes: Bullies, churches, cops, racists, having to wake up early, things on high shelves, lizards and snakes, winter, tequila, people making fun of her height