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Welcome to ~~ DRAGONGUARDS vs THE DARK REGIME ~~ {Adult}

07:10, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Anchariss ~ GD Dragon NEEDS A PLAYER


 DESCRIPTION: Copper Dragon, approximately 8 feet in height when standing up straight, with a length from snout to tail tip of twelve feet and a wingspan of about 26 ft. Burnished copper scales run the length of the whole body, shined as often as possible to keep them clean. His horn's are shorter than normal, staying flat against his head, but an equal amount of attention is put to keep them clean as well.

 SKILLS: Knowledge on a variety of benign topics, a good singing voice... for a dragon, spends a lot of time on puzzles and other similar objects

 POWERS: Dragon's breath weapon as described in the RTJ


 CHARACTER'S BRIEF BACKGROUND: Anchariss was the only wyrmling born to a small clutch, drinking in as much knowledge as possible from his parents before taking off on his own hunts through the mountains. He spent a lot of time carving out small hole in mountains and hills, having a lot of fun creating small traps with them to hunt for goats and deer, waiting for one to fall in before jumping on top and killing it quickly. He has only just joined the rest of the Dragons, having figured out he was bonded to an easy mark for tricks. He rather enjoys digging tunnels and hiding small things. He prefers his normal form, but enjoys taking on the forms of many different humans or elves when he's bored. Nevertheless, he would much rather be seen in his regular form, simply because it feels more comfortable to him. Also, humans can't fly. Why would he want to stay stuck on the ground.
   Personality wise, he is know to talk and tease anyone's ear off if given the slightest opportunity and is known to ask six questions before someone can get a word in edge wise to answer his first one.

Human Form Picture:
<img src= ""align="right" />