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Welcome to Darke City

22:38, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Pippin Kormick


Name: Pippin Kormick

Nickname: Pip


Gender: Male

Age: 21

Hair: Has short golden blonde that more often then not hangs over one eye.

Eyes: Baby blue

Distinguishing Marks: None, though he does speak with a very British accent. Not a distinguishing mark but I thought I should mention it here all the same.

General Appearance: For a guy Pippin in considered fairly short standing at only 5'7. His skin in soft and flawless without a blemish of any kind. Clearly he takes very good care of his skin. He is also thin but at the same fairly well toned. He's no jock, nor does he go to the gym. He just simply eats right and jogs regularly. His clothing style is mostly casual chic.


Personality: Pippin isn't exactly the loudest or most boisterous person you'll ever come across, but at the same time he's no wallflower either. In other words, Pippin isn't afraid to strike up a conversation with anyone should he want and desire the company of others. It should also be know that he can't handle his liquor very well and will be quite the happy and much more compliant chap after a few drinks.

Sexual Preferences: He's bi so guys or girls he has no specific preference when it comes to lovers. As he's a bit on the slightly docile side, he is mostly the more submissive partner in any relationship.

Employment: Freelance Photographer

About Your character: Pippin lived and grew up in London, England. Due to his parents being wealthy business owners, Pippin wanted for nothing growing up. Despite having come from money, Pippin would never think to rub it in anyone's faces. Quite to the contrary Pippin was quite humble and more often then not was always very generous with his money, always using it to help others less fortunate then himself. As it currently stands, Pippin has moved away from London and his parents and is living on his own in Darke City. The city had a mysterious air to it which called to his naturally curious side.