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Welcome to The Chosen

18:45, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Paige Clermont

Name: Paige Clermont
Age: 22
Gender: Female
Nationality USA
Place of Birth: Glenclover, WA
Blood type: O-
Role (makeup, presenter, production crew...):  PA- Production Assistant- otherwise know as the "Do Everything Girl/Gofer"
Sexual Orientation: Hetero
Theme Tune (optional):



Paige is an understated but cute if you can get past the barriers she's put in the way of discovering that.  Under the glasses and a mop of wavy brown hair she has soft blue eyes and good bone structure.  Her skin is clear and she wears very little makeup.  As part of her armor, she is prone to wearing clothing that she can climb, run, bike, and generally move in.  You would be hard pressed to find her in a dress or the color pink. She wears her hair usually in various braids, a messy bun, or a pony tail.  It’s not uncommon to see her with a baseball cap or a hoodie.  Under the layers of armor is a lovely petite figure that once wore lovely form fitting dresses and fashionable attire.  Now there is a general avoidance to pretty much anything that attracts all but the most dismissive attention.

Paige is clumsy.  It started when she turned twelve, when she started to devlelop.  Consequently her parents thought that a steady stream of ballet lessons, gymnastic lessons, poise lessons, and fencing lessons would "help her with her adolescent issues." It didn't.  It simply made her more self conscious about it. As a result she is a chronic tripper that looks extremely graceful going down.  The use of sneakers has helped with her stability, she's pretty good in heels too- though getting her to wear them would be difficult.


The outer self
To anyone who meets Paige she is a bookish introvert that is very lucky to have the job she has.  Those who are observant will find that she is observant as well.  Despite her desire to meld into the shadows, she always seems to be around what's going on and watching and listening.  When she does speak, there is a bit of a self depreciation in her sarcastic comments.  She's careful not to say anything to offend those around her not because she would feel bad, but because she prefers not to be noticed.

The inner self
Paige is aware and her mind is constantly working.  She's a genuinely good reader of body language and facial expressions to the point that she can almost pinpoint how a person is really feeling or whether they are putting on some false front.  Her parents have made her an expert at spotting that.  In many respects she is angry.  She's angry at herself for wasted time, she's angry at her parents for being... them, and she's angry at the entire country maybe the world for stealing her childhood.  She has had enough of the lime light but she can't help herself.  She knows too much about the world of entertainment to be ignorant to the goings on, so she pretends she's clueless- it works.  Most people are all about themselves anyway.  Give them a reason to ignore you and they will.

List their desires and hopes

At one time Paige wanted to be a star.  She had great hopes of moving from child acting into the real world of entertainment.  Now she wants to fade from view.

She dreams of moving to a small town in Iowa where they have a community theater.  There she can be a secretary or some other job and maybe step onto the stage again... maybe.

To find a place where no one has ever heard of television or the movies, or at the very least seen one of her shows.

List their fears and dislikes

Paige has developed a fear of being on camera.  After a turbulent adolescent year with the director from hell, she avoids the monster.

She dislikes being what she calls "noticed" that is that eventual realization that she's "someone" or... more honestly that she was someone.

She detests TMZ and the whole paparazzi ensemble.

She dislikes her parents completely- Both of them and their pushing.


Industry Knowledge: Paige knows a lot especially about the entertainment world.  Her mother, being a soap actress, and her father being a producer- she's pretty much been bottle fed the sound stage life since she could walk.  When she was on "the show" too she was curious and asked a lot of questions.  She understands the jobs of gaffer, boom operator, how the cameras work, how cabling is done... she can do most of it too.

Multi-Tasker: She's good at carrying things out and can see when things will be needed.

Aware: She can read people almost to the point of being scary.  (She's a faker radar)


Uneducated: Paige is lacking in much schooling.  Sure she had tutors- she can read, write, do math.  She knows her US History and Science.  She passed her GED when she was 16, but that's all she's learned.  Generally speaking she only knows the required basics and even then her education happened in a slip shod matter.

Can't swim, ride a bike, or pretty much anything else a stunt double is hired to do: Because of her job on "The show" she wasn't allowed to do anything that might get her bruised, scratched up, or in any other way make her unfit for camera each day.  Now she's too old to admit that she doesn't know how.

Obedient: Her entire life she's been told how to do things, and it is habit.  It messes with her head to disappoint people and makes her even more self-conscious.


Paige Clermont is the daughter of Christine Devons and Philip Clermont.  Christine at one time was the audience draw ingénue on the soap opera "The Changing Tide."  After falling madly in love with her co-star and marrying him, divorcing him, and falling madly in love with the Director, Christine set her eyes on the Associate Producer, Philip Clermont.  After a not so secret affair, she finally divorced her second husband and married Philip.  Not long after (less than nine months) she had Paige.  The network used Christine's pregnancy on the show and soon Paige had her first acting credit at two weeks.  From that point forward she never left the sound stage.

With a new child in tow, Christine's character on the soap had to change and a new ingénue brought into the story. Christine was not happy.  It was the efforts of her husband that her character became mired in a deep tragic plot with a ruthless madman bent on the domination of the makeup industry.  Christine's character alone stood against him protecting the foundations of women everywhere.  Somewhere in the midst of this drama- Paige grew up.  Her those who worked on the soundstage became her defacto parents.

At the age of five- Paige was granted by her now Executive Producer father the "leading role" in a cute half hour family sitcom.

She was adorable, fans loved her, and as she grew so did her character- from being a cute little one line wonder- into having more substantial (for a sitcom) acting situations.  That was until she turned twelve.  The sudden awkwardness of adolescence shook the show.  It shook her.  It shook her parents.

Christine responded in the manner of her character- she took Paige by the reins and managed her life.  Classes, pageants- there was even a crackpot idea of getting her into the Olympics.  Paige's life tail-spun and soon she was a basket case.  Besides that the media wouldn't let up.  The "Child Actors: Where are they now?" Special sent her over the edge.

At 18 Paige found out that Christine and Philip had spent everything she'd earned.  There was nothing for her.  The reserve they were supposed to be holding for her- had been poorly invested.  On that day Paige left her parent's mansion and walked away- from everything.

Eventually her Uncle: Christopher found her working as a waitress barely eeking out an existence.  He got her the job as a production assistant.  He has never told her as much, but being a child star himself (with her mother) he understands.  Christopher is a small time assistant producer- happy to just be working in the industry.  He's hoping to help Paige find a place.

The only death that Paige has witnessed other than a handful of junkies she knew when she was on the streets- is her Grandmother.  Felecia Devons.  She was the tight fisted stage mom of Christine and Christopher that propelled them into fame, fortune, and the spotlight.  She was a grasping woman who frightened Paige and worked as her Agent when she was young.


None of these are necessary but could add flavor:
Christopher Devons: Associate Producer for a small satellite office.
Philip Clermont: Has risen to fame fortune, and a hatred of his wife.  Paige is the rope in a tug of war between two very self centered people.
Christine Clermont: Much like her mother, Christine has turned into a woman that is feared industry wide.  She is now in her 40s and has aged remarkably well mostly due to a team of plastic surgeons.  To quote her assistant: "She is a raging bitch with unreasonable standards and an unstated appetite for power, fame, and attention.


I wouldn't remind romance.  Paige's experience with men is that they are all fakes.  From the fake of hollywood to the equally fake (just different) of the streets, she's become very very careful.  So the right guy would have to be charming yet sincere in a way that takes down her defenses.  It would be a nice move to get her out of her shell.

Paige has never learned anything about the occult.  It is a world that she's never explored and I can see her getting into researching about it.  (Which can be bad... depending on what she gets into.)

In the game I'm looking to build Paige's confidence.  I'm not exactly sure what that will be until I find her voice, but I promise, I will communicate with the GMs when I understand her fully.