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Welcome to Age of Heroes: The Gods That Walk Among Men

14:02, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Yukiko Ami Saito

Name: Yukiko Ami Saito
Age: About 24
Height:5 ft 6 inches
Weight:105 lbs
Hair:Dark Blonde

Yukiko Ami Saito is an Asian-American woman in her mid Twenties who goes exclusively by Ami. Her hair is long, bronzish blonde, and frequently curled. She sports an enviable tan and has warm, almond-shaped Hazel eyes. Slim, she favors a mix of pricer label and vintage clothing. Her closet overflows with shoes that give her those final few inches in height. She's usually styled to The Nines, and carefully made up. Her personality can be flighty and vain, though she sees herself as a honorable (for a thief) person who wouldn't do anything that was outright evil. Unless it was some sort of Spiritual-Pact, that would get you out of your personal problems faster. That had to be good for everyone else eventually right? Trickledown tranquility.

If there was one truth Ami had learned, it was that you couldn't run from your past. Well, maybe you could, but it was apparently a lot harder when Yakuza Vampires were involved...

Ami's mother; Yume Saito, was brutally murdered by Vampire assassins, her death eventually deemed a Yakuza hit. A security tape of three heavily tattooed, superhumanly fast suspects came up with a diagnosis of intruders on PCP, and more gang ties. The case was solved quickly, and unsatisfyingly. The murderers fled to Japan, and were never found. Ami and her surrogate sister Sakura Ito threw themselves into the world of the Occult, trying to solve the mystery of their Mother's death. Ami and Sakura came across a hidden trove of documents that implied their linage was that of a long line of Demon Hunters. Sukura got deep into Vampire hunting, and Ami threw herself into her studies. It worked for about a year, before Sakura was killed; found dead in an Iowa Cornfield. She'd been tracking a Vampire from Japan.

Ami couldn't ignore the Elephant Vampire in the room anymore. Dropping out of her Fashion Degree Program, she started calling in favors from friends. She spent the next year; highly unqualified, and managing an Office by day, spending her nights as a vigilante. Underpaid and unrewarded, Ami was fighting the forces of darkness, and the rising tide of her medical bills. Still, she found she had a knack for the work. Dexterous and agile, Ami became a master at picking locks, hotwiring cars, whatever it took to take the target down. She killed a lot of Vamps, but she found herself no closer to solving her Mother's murder.

Soon Ami found herself falling down a supernatural internet rabbit hole, looking for quick solutions. As one does. Months of lurking in chat rooms and socializing at Occult Auctions resulted a series of jobs, and a clue. The existence of an ancient set of family scrolls outlining a ritual of great power. Ami kept at the Occult relic hunting, trading in illegal and arcane items for information and cold hard cash. Finally she traded enough in enough favors to get a name; Itchijo Masaru. A rich and famous Japanese Politician. Also a high ranking member of the Vampire Yakuza. Untouchable. Ami stepped up the thieving jobs to fund her new revenge-themed lifestyle.

Her quest eventually led her to the Scrolls and an old family property in Osaka. She spent the next year and a half deciphering the flakey old scrolls, and purifying her kami. Eventually she was ready to take part in an ancient family ritual; a pact with Izanami-no-Mikoto. The Goddess Of The Underworld's Magics would make Ami a stronger, stranger fighter, but they also left her slightly inhuman. Those Magics you weren't supposed to go meddling with? They dropped Ami into an entirely different timeline! Emerging from the secret cave in Shimane Prefect's Mt. Hiba, Ami found herself in another world. Literally. She'd left her Timeline to replace another Ami. Who appeared to be dead. (Then in a coma, then mysteriously missing.) Timeline-displaced-Ami had little recourse but to fall right back into the theft and trade of Occult relics. A few years later, she met a nosy Wizard.

After Reinhard Blackthorne prevented her from purloining his priceless ring of Eldritch Visions, Ami found herself with a job offer. Plus a long, guilt trip of a lecture about Destinies. Ami shelved her theft vengeance, and took the Wizard's offer. She'd be working on retainer for some guy named MacIntyre, ironically taking this Timeline's Ami's Law Enforcement career. Eventually they would lead her to Masaru. At least it paid better than Vigilantism. She always had thievery Occult Relic Hunting to fall back on if this didn't work out.