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Welcome to Darke City

00:32, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Francis Crowley

Name: Francis Crowley

Nickname: The boy

Gender: Male

Age: 19

Hair: Dark brown, messy most of the time

Eyes: Green

Distinguishing Marks: There’s a tattoo of the character Frank the Bunny’s mask from the movie Donnie Darko on the underside of his right arm. He has a scar going from the bottom of his left ear down the side of his neck.

General Appearance: He’s small in stature, coming in at a whopping 5’6” and weighing around 130 lbs. For his age, he’s seen and been through a lot and it shows. Not that he looks weathered, it’s just noticeable in his eyes. He’s an old soul in a young body.

Personality: People tend to mutter under their breath about him being an asshole but he likes to think of it as being honest and to the point. When pressed, he is deadly serious but at times seems unnaturally chipper. His mood tends to fluctuate from cheerful and amused to sarcastic and angry in seconds making him unpredictable. Despite his seemingly erratic and scattered personality, he can be patient and is capable of elaborate plans.

He’s not one to make connections with people since he’s been betrayed enough times to need his second hand to count them. Deep down however, he longs to find someone but he would never admit it out loud.

Sexual Preferences: Homosexual

Employment: Works at Freshly Roasted For Rent

About Your Character: Kind of like the movie where the little kid saw dead people, starting as a young child, he swore he did. His parents on the other hand, brushed it off as him just having a plethora of imaginary friends. They took him to see doctors when it started to seem to be more than just imaginary friends or childhood fears of the boogeyman. It was written off as night terrors and his parents were told at some point they would just fade away.

It didn’t. At first he just saw glimpses of things, shadows and quick movements but as he grew older they became more solid. Or visible. They didn’t try to speak with him or communicate at first, it was almost like they were unaware of him. It wasn’t until he reached the age of 13 that the first one noticed him and realized that he could see them. It didn’t make things better because once they started talking, they didn’t stop … and it probably didn’t help that he responded without worry about what others thought.

At this point, his parents were convinced he needed to be checked into an institute and since he didn’t agree … he left home one night after hearing a conversation they were having about taking him in the morning.

He lived on the streets for a few years and stumbled into some odd jobs which led him to work for a crime syndicate. Having ghosts hanging around gave him an edge when it came to illegal activities. For years he worked for them, he learned how to fight for himself and how to kill quite effectively. He would have still been working with them had he not been betrayed by one of his own and framed for a murder he didn’t actually commit.

Instead, he was in hiding. Or hiding in plain sight since he wasn’t lurking in the shadows in Darke City. It was just somewhere that he didn’t think anyone would come looking for him. Most people would wonder why he didn’t try to plead his case, he knew there was no point to try. If they caught up with him, he’d be tortured and killed regardless of what he said. He had a hit out on him and he just hoped he had moved far enough away that no one here would know who he was.