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Welcome to Dusk and Dawn

03:38, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)


Path/Order:     Moros Mystagogue
Status/Titles:  Mysterium (2) - Censor | Philologus (Stone Scribes) | Lorekeeper (Coil Imperfect)
Age:            27
Height:         5' 7"
Weight:         125 lbs

( / ‡ )

Description: Reserved and thoughtful are two qualities that come to mind when Morena does come to the attention of anyone. She prefers not to be noticed. Let's call it professional interest. She is neither particularly tall nor short. A touch on the lean side perhaps, but with a steady grace and quiet surety. Dark brown shoulder length hair frames a narrow pale face. The grey of her eyes more akin to granite than any shade of blue. The attire she favors ranging in charcoal to black predominantly, but of a finer cut and quality that reflects some of her personal tastes. Perhaps the only distinctly odd item visibly on her person is a stylized hand bracelet. Actual metacarpals and phalanges connected with piano wire to fit around her wrist and over the top of her hand. A skeletal echo overlaying the shape of her fingers.

Nimbus: A subtle increase in darkness all around her that pulses and shifts to match what might be reflected in Twilight. Echoes of things long past catch at the corner of the eye in her visage. A veritable translucent half step in that other place. What little light remains pooling in an ethereal glow in her eyes. Not unlike those of a predatory animal. The more powerful understanding she draws on producing indecipherable whispers. They bloom and fade to match the pulsation as the truly deep shadows that pool about her feet twist and reach toward any onlooker. An impression of an icy caress for anyone daring enough or too caught in the moment to turn away.

Coil Imperfect
Percunctantes. Explorans Profundis. Quaerimus Secreta Amissa.

The emblem of the Coil Imperfect is a twisting stylized ouroboros in black and gold surrounding a blending of the Mysterium and Adamantine Arrow glyphs. For the Wise, more can be discerned through the proper application of the Sight. Script scrawled in the old tongue rises from the darkness of the spiral to form words: crossroads, chalice, sword, and shield. A simple and elegant nod toward the Great Rights the cabal recognizes. Further to those words another series of phrases to codify the driving purpose behind the formation of this group: gathering information, exploring the depths, and seeking out lost secrets. A final set of Atlantean symbols identify six names: Corwin, Jude, Morena, Reaper, Rowan, and Sophia.