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Welcome to Serenity Super Hero's

22:20, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Ashley Matheson

Character’s Real Name:  Ashley Matheson

Nick name:  Ash

Code Name:  YT

Race:  Human

Gender:  Female

Age:  16

Affiliation:  “I’m with the good guys!”

Rank:  “Spiderman” level vigilante

LEGACY SUPERSOLDIER:  YT’s Grandfather was part of a supersoldier project that sort of succeeded (‘cept for the terminal cancer in his later years, of course), and those enhancements got passed down up to the current day.  The formula used was rather cryptic, being described as “making you more of what you already are” (whatever that means).  For Ashley, she has the usual package—she’s stronger, tougher, faster, and smarter than the average bear (this last one is a doozie in other ways).  There’s even some low level regeneration, which often explains why she was able to take a beating and come home and explain it all as her falling off her skateboard.

GADGETEERING GENIUS:  All the equipment Ashley uses as YT is stuff she was able to invent or replicate (Think “TONY STARK WAS ABLE TO BUILD THIS IN A CAVE!  WITH A BOX OF SCRAPS!” kind of thing), and will sometimes invent a solution to her problems if push comes to shove (Think Peter Parker modifying his webbing, if you ever watched the original “Spiderman” cartoons).

Limitation(s)2:  With the exception of her martial arts training (she’s been pursuing jeet kun do for nearly 4 years now), most of YT’s offensive punch comes from whatever gadgets or weapons she has at the time.  These of course can break, especially if not maintained, and especially if she doesn’t have anything resembling familiar technology to scavenge from

Weakness:  I’m thinking that she’s a newcomer to Serenity, and as a result she has NO clue as to the nature of the place.

Weapons 3 (subject to change):
LOOGIE LAUNCHERS:  Mounted under her wrists are a pair of sprayers which can shoot out a sticky formula that resembles foam, but can harden into a powerful elastic polymer, which can be used for entangling an opponent.  There are 3 settings:  Wide spray, narrow spray, and stream (which produces an elastic cord)

MICRO MISSILES:  These little babies communicate with the HUD in her goggles to target opponents.  The warheads are effectively one-shot tasers which can deliver a nasty shock to anyone, and she can fire as many as 8 at a time (but she can only load up to 16 at any time, and only carries a total of 32, including on her utility belt)

LIQUID KNUCKLE:  This handy little feature is built into the middle knuckle of her gauntlets.  When triggered, it sprays out a dense gas which expands explosively on contact with air, allowing her to punch WAY above her weight class.


Personality:  Ashley is snarky, bubbly and has a rebellious streak typical of any teenager.  As YT, she’s also a master of the art of the snappy comeback.  Despite being a teenager, she has an overdeveloped sense of responsibility and doing what’s right.

“When you can do the things I can do, and the bad things happen and you do nothing…those bad things happen because of you.”

Since an incident almost 4 years ago involving two greasy gentlemen, a 10-year-old girl and a panel van, Ashley Matheson has been donning a curve-hugging onesie as everyone’s favorite vigilante on a floaty skateboard—aka YT, everyone’s fave rave.  Over the years, she’s fought crime in her home of Hudson City, gained a rogue’s gallery, her fair share of fans and detractors, etc.

And things looked like they were going to continue on that way, when she encountered a spot of trouble in the form of a PRIMUS road train.  Its HUMVEE escorts were scattered, and a demon (???) named Azog was busy eviscerating the security squad inside.  YT did what came naturally and became a meddling kid.

Azog was after some sort of weird device in the truck—it was in one of the many crates inside.  YT had never fought a demon before, but the demon had never fought YT before, and was surprised how tough and resilient this new foe was.  Even so, it was a chaotic fight—one which the driver of the road train was a casualty.  YT was forced to divide her attention between fighting Azog, and keeping the ginormous truck from crashing into innocents.

And then she came to a sharp turn, which the truck couldn’t make.  The road train crashed through the railing, and began to plummet.

“Oh SHIIIII-“ was the last thing anyone in Hudson City ever heard YT utter, before she, Azog and the road train disappeared