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Welcome to X-Men: Worlds Turning

00:19, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)


NAME: Maxwell (Mack) Bellmont
AGE:  23
HEIGHT:  6' 2"
WEIGHT:  198 lbs
HAIR:  Terracotta
EYES:  Hazel
SKIN TONE:  Dark Mediterranean

PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION: Maxwell is a very physically fit and healthy young man with an ancestry that could cover most of Europe with a healthy dose of Mediterranean  and maybe a bit of  Asian thrown in (he's a mutt or a canardly). He has swarthy dark skin with some rather startling terracotta red/brown hair that he tends to let grow out and piercing hazel green eyes. He has a strong jaw and a chin that looks like it was made for soaking up uppercuts. While he would not be considered classically handsome he is attractive in a rough manner.

PERSONALITY:  Mack tends to be laid back and fairly easy going most of the time, which is a good thing because on the rare occasions where he does lose his temper there is generally wholesale devastation and destruction.  He can be utterly ruthless when needed, fortunately he is well aware of this and will try to deescalate before things get to that point.

Mack has the ability to create rifts in space that can bridge vast distances and allow for near instantaneous  travel. He can control the size of these rifts  from something the size of a pin hole up to a bit over 30 feet in diameter. While a rift is open travel is possible in both directions from the terminus. He can open multiple rifts at the same time and move one terminus while the other end remains stationary. One of the first applications of his ability was discovering that if he opened a rift against a wall or solid surface it would create a 'hole' to the other side much like in the old Bugs Bunny Road Runner cartoon. He can not however create a rift inside a solid object.

These rifts appear to be a one dimensional phenomenon in that they only have one side and can only be seen from the open side at each end. From the back or the side they do not exist and a person could walk through the area of the rift with no effect.

Mack has refined and honed his ability to create and control these rifts to an incredible degree and is proficient in their use both offensively and defensively and for some things that need to be seen to be believed and he is still finding new ways in which to use them.

The size of the rift created rather than the distance it covers seems to be the more telling factor in how much energy is needed although holding even a moderate sized rift open across a great distance can be fatiguing.

It does take more energy to create a rift than to hold it open, at least in the short term.

SPECIAL NOTE: Mack's rift ability actually runs in the male line of his Family although it often skips one or two generations at a time

Mack is one of those poor unfortunate blessed souls born with “The Knack” He just has a way with all things mechanical and is an unapologetic tinker. He is never happier than when he is elbow deep into some machine and his car, a 1965 Plymouth Satellite is in a constant state of being improved and upgraded to the point that the steering wheel and the rearview mirrors are about the only stock parts remaining. As for its top speed, his only answer is an insane giggling.

Mack has also used his abilities to explore the world and memorized several 'Flash Points', locations he can rift to almost instantly if needed. He has also created organized caches of supplies that he can access with little effort and has a few safe houses scattered around the world.
He is studying to learn a few different languages but so far it has been slow going.

Mack has received U.S. Marine basic and combat training but was assigned to the Motor pool and Transportation instead of directly to a combat division. He is technically AWOL from the Marines after a major altercation with his commanding officer.