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Welcome to Darke City

00:56, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Tadhg Connolly


Name: Tadhg Connolly (pronounced Tie-g)



Gender: male

Age: 24

Hair: red

Eyes: blue

Distinguishing Marks: Multiple tattoos (a detailed green four-leaf clover on the inside of his left wrist, his right upper arm has a guitar where the body just below his shoulder is styled to look like a celtic harp and the neck is like a celtic band running down to 2" above the elbow, a celtic cross on his upper left arm from just below the shoulder to 2" above the elbow, a large tree of life inside a celtic circle covering most of his back, over his heart an intricate triskelion inside a celtic ring with the words 'Tada Gan Iarracht' inside the band of the ring)

General Appearance: Tadhg is of just above average height at 6'2" tall. His hair is short but wild and untamed, an unmatched bright and fiery red in color. It's matched by a short beard that is shockingly well groomed and ordered compared to the rest of his hair. He has deep, piecing blue eyes full of fire and life. Tadgh has an athletic, swimmer's build.


Personality: At first glance, Tadhg seems like a wild and crazy free spirit. He often lives in the moment and firmly believes in living life to the fullest. Almost always open to try new things. Those who get to know him, get to see there is a lot more to him. He's a deeply spiritual person that likes to think of himself as a 'progressive' or casual Catholic. He is a firm believer that nothing comes for free. While he often seems like the life of the party, he has a shockingly strong work ethic. Work hard, play hard.

Sexual Preferences: Generally considers himself straight but is open-minded.

Employment: unemployed for now, front man for the aspiring young band 'Children of Lir' (lead singer and lead guitar)

About Your character: Tadhg was born and raised in Ireland till the age of 15. Son of a fisherman, he was often put to work on the family's boat as soon as he was big enough to work a net. He was also raised in a devoutly Irish Catholic family. Between the two, he often felt a little stifled growing up. His only escape from his duties to the family business and the community church was listening to music. Listening became singing and when he found an old guitar also to him teaching himself how to play.

When he was fifteen, their family fishing boat went under and they were forced to sell it. They moved to the US so his father could go work for his uncle at a fish market and cannery in Boston. It took a few months to adjust but once he did, the move proved to be a godsend for Tadhg. It afforded him a ton of personal freedom he didn't have back home in Ireland since he didn't have to work the family boat and there wasn't such a tight-nit community church that called on all it's families for volunteers all the time like back home for church activities.

With his newfound freedom, Tadhg threw himself into music; mind, body, and soul. At first he just played solo but over time he met others and shifted through a few bands throughout high school and college. Going to college to learn the ins and outs of a business like his uncle's fish market and cannery was a concession he made for the support he was given those years in the form of instruments, help with transportation.

In his last year of college, he met the three people he would form his own band with. Two of which were Irish-Americans and the third an Irish immigrant like himself. All four lapsed or casual Catholics. Three men and one woman, they named their band the 'Children of Lir' after an Irish legend about three brothers and a sister cursed to be turned into swans for 900 hundred years but allowed to keep their human voices so they could sing.

The band has toured the country at random for a couple of years, booking gigs wherever they could. They've had some limited success but haven't caught any mainstream attention. Just a small, dedicated following online. As a group, they finally decided to try putting roots in Darke City to make a serious go at hitting it big. Partly because they'd heard of a couple of other bands doing so and partly because the city had plenty of venues to play while also offering day jobs in all the fields the four of them worked when they weren't rehearsing or performing.