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Welcome to Serenity Super Hero's

03:37, 3rd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Gonzalo Giarres

Name: Gonzalo Giarres
Code Name: Hypnose
Race: Mutant Human
Gender: Male
Age: 20
Birth Date: December 20

Current Location: ???
Affiliation: Villain
Rank: Low
Level: ???

Aura of Pacifism: Those who come within 10 meters of Hypnose or anywhere he has stood for the past hour become unable to perform hostile actions against him. However enraged they might have been, stepping within his aura renders them docile. Once inflicted this status lasts for several hours, though usually it can be slept off so long as they sleep away from his presence. Worse, being within his aura is generally pleasant and enticing making even those who understand they are being affected usually unwilling to resist it.

Word of Command: Those who are affected by his aura and hear him make any commands or requests are compelled to obey them. This does not turn them into mindless puppets nor do they feel like their bodies are working against their will, but rather it makes whatever he asked their own desire. As far as a person being affected by it is concerned, they are performing the action out of their free will and often in retrospect they will even justify their actions to themselves after the fact.
For example-- if he asks the front desk for a free hotel stay, if he asks for free clothes at a tailor or he asks the wait staff as a restaurant to give him a free meal-- even years later they will be convinced there was a completely valid reason to do what he asked. In fact, the longer it has been since they were prompted to question it, the more certain they will be that there was a reason besides mind control. This means in the case that he gives someone a task that might last longer than his control would normally last, they will often continue to perform it even after direct control has faded. He can even order someone to perform self-harm or betray their friends, particularly if they are already prone towards such actions.
While I am describing this as "speaking", it should be clear that there is nothing special about him using words. His words carry no sway if recorded or played over a radio and if he can communicate his wishes to someone without speaking, it would have the same effect. If someone is affected by his aura and he writes them a nice letter that they read, it will be the same as if he had spoken what was written.


There are many limitations to his powers
He has to get within 10 meters of someone for them to have any effect. So if someone wanted to attack him without getting too close, it would be possible.

He has to ask his requests or make his commands in a friendly and polite manner. This generally isn't a problem but he has grown to be a petulant, self-centered man who expects to get his way and can easily be frustrated and if he acts angry and aggressive towards those under his control, it can break the control.

His control goes away relatively quickly once he is not present. While tasks that are not major life disruptions may continue to be performed even outside his control (the hotel manager continues to renew his free hotel room even though he doesn't remember exactly why Gonzalo gets to stay there for free and he always has a reservation and free meal at that fancy french restaurant because... he's just always there on Friday), if he has dragged someone well out of their routine life and comfort zone then they will generally try to return to their normal life.

His powers only work on biological beings that have an sexual attraction to humans. Doesn't matter if their attraction matches his gender, if it doesn't then it manifests as a deep admiration instead. Truly alien beings, robots and undead who no longer have biological functions are completely immune to his powers.

Someone in an enclosed hazmat suit would also be immune to his powers and if someone understood how his powers worked and was intent on fighting him could potentially use such a thing to get at him.


Hypnose has only human levels of strength and athleticism-- and even that is giving him too much credit. Because he has never worked for anything, he has only done as much work on keeping himself in shape as was necessary to suit his own narcassism. And since everyone near him fawns over him, he's hardly got reason to push himself.

Hypnose is childish and wildly overconfident. He never grew up because no one ever told him "no" or set any boundaries. He has little emotional control and he is deeply narcassistic. He has rarely ran into any real opposition in his life and doesn't much know how to handle real opposition. He is very likely to run into scenarios where a smarter abd more ambitious person with his same powers could have done so much more with them.


Hypnose only uses his power as weapons. Carrying any obvious weapons such as firearms or swords would make him an overt threat which would put others on edge and cause his powers to be far less reliable. He has to come off a suave and friendly, so the only thing he need arm himself with is his winning smile.

Besides, he usually has several minions within earshot and can turn any random citizen into his own personal bodyguard, so he can leave being armed up to them.


Hypnose is 5'11" with tan olive skin and slick black hair. He has thick eyebrows and a mustache and often wears mirrored glasses that hide his large dark brown eyes. He is often dressed in  a tailors suit made of a garrish checkerboard pattern and has a blue buttoned shirt with fat red tie. His slacks are tailored to fit and brown in color. He is out of shape, a bit pudgy. Overall he looks more like a used car salesman than the Don Juan he probably thinks he is.


Gonzalo is a complete narcissistic through and through. No one has ever opposed him, he has always gotten his way since the day he was born. He is beyond spoiled with extreme expectations about what he should get. And why shouldn't he when it always turns out his way? He has abused his powers all his life and the few times it hasn't have only served to embitter him rather than help him learn.


Gonzalo's parents both died trying to fulfill his wildly unreasonable requests. His father died in an accident at work after trying to work two jobs to keep up with the lifestyle his son wanted to live and later his mother died in a drug overdose as she couldn't deal with the stress of disappointing him when he was in his teen rebellious phase. While this would be a disruption to most, because Gonzalo could just keep asking for things from people and getting them-- if anything, it liberated him to explore his lifestyle.


Gonzalo was born with his powers and was thus beloved as a baby as everyone who got near him fell under his sway. It is once he began to speak that problems began. His every whim and desire would be fulfilled, unless he made it out of rage or anger. He slowly learned to harness this weapon he had been given against his parents, teachers and schoolmates. Thus he was able to coast through life without issue.

While his parents ultimately died as a result of his powers, Gonzalo coasted through life with ease. His life was only finally disrupted when he was swept up by demons looking for humans with powers. He discovered that his powers would still work against most demons-- for they too had an attraction to humans, and when they brought him to Selene, he expected his powers would allow him to turn her as well. That's when he finally ran into someone he couldn't use his mutant pheromones' to control.

He broke down quickly and easily after facing real opposition and was allowed to live on the condition that he would serve the demons and help eliminate those who would stand against them. This generally isn't a major burden on his lifestyle, in fact-- it kind of gives him some direction for the first time in his life.