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Welcome to Elswin School for the Exceptional

21:00, 1st June 2024 (GMT+0)

Julianna Wilson

Name: Julianna Wilson
Age: 24
Gender: Female
Student, teacher, or Other Occupation: Student
Education Level Before Entering the School: BS, Oceangraphic Science

Height: 5'2"
Weight: 100lbs
Eye Color: Blue
Hair Color and Style: Long red hair
Facial Hair, if any: N/A
Skin Tone: pale and freckled
Body Build: slender
Blood Type: O-
Common Outfit Choices: Shorts, tshirts, yoga pants.  Anything comfortable.
Common Outfit Colors: loud colors, reds, greens, blues.  She likes flowers.
Notable Physical Alterations: A sea fern tattooed on her back, over her shoulders.
Any Markings or Scars: A long scar on her right calf from a brush with a coral.
Any Tattoos or Piercings: See above for tattoos.  A diamond stud in her left nostril.

The Mind

Do People View You as Kind? Yes, to a fault, almost empathically.
Are You? Yes.
Do People View You as Honest?  Yes.
Are You? She keeps secrets.
Do People View You as Trustworthy? Yes.
Are You? She is honest to a fault.
Can People Depend On You? Yes.
Why? She only gives herself to those she trusts, and gives without thought.
Would You Sacrifice Yourself? Yes.
Or someone else? No.
What Are Your Hopes and Dreams? To find a way to save the ocean.
What Are Your Fears? Dark places, and being bound.
What Secrets Do You Keep? Her mermaid form.  Who would understand?
Personality: Shy at first, but needing companionship.  She is a giving soul, not quite needy.  She wants to belong and to help.
How People View You: A smart girl, a bit odd.
How You View Yourself: Confused and gifted.  Why Me?

What Are Your Abilities? Being able to swim underwater, talk to some sea creatures, to determine ocean and water weather and tides.  She can also bestow underwater breathing to one other person with a kiss, but she doesn't know that yet.  She also has a siren's singing ability, but she has never tried it to see if she can attract or control anyone.

What is their Average Limits? Based on strength. She becomes tired when doing too much.

What Is The Furthest You Have Pushed Your Abilities?  She stayed in mermaid form for a full day.  She found she did not want to come back, and that scared her.

What Is The Drawbacks of Your Abilities? She is only good for those around water.

What Other Skills Do You Have? She is a singer and musician, and loves to perform.

How Do Your Abilities make You Feel? Free.

The History

Who Is Your Father? Jonathon Wilson, PhD, an oceanic explorer that died in a hurricane in 2020.
Who Is Your Mother? Cynthia Wilson, a financial advisor.  She is afraid her daughter will take after her father and die.
Do You Have Siblings?  A younger sister, Mary.
How Old Are They? Mary is 19.

What are your relationships with your family?  Mom is a bit smothering.  Mary is very close, in college studying computer engineering.

Where Did You Grow Up?  Monterey, California.

Did You Have Childhood friends?  Sarah Thompson, a fellow musician and the only person that has seen her become a mermaid.  She thinks it is cool.

When Did Your Abilities Develop?  When she was a teenager, 18 years old.  That was her first transformation.  Other abilities developed in collage.

How Did They Develop? Or Were You Given Them?  She felt someone touch her when she was swimming.  They told her not to be afraid.  She could not tell if it was male or femaile.

Do You Know Who SASPAR Is?  Vaguely.

How Did Your Family React To Your Invitation?  Mom was freaked.  Mary thought it was cool.  Her mother does not want her to have anything to do with it.

Any Notable Events That Happened In Your Life?  She almost drowned, trying to surf.  The tide pulled her out, and she was pulled under.  That was her first change, and it frightened her.