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08:56, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Maria Margarita Davenport

Name Maria Margarita Davenport
Nickname El Loco
Age 29
Maria is roughly 5 foot 6 weighing around 135 pounds. She has shoulder length red hair with streaks of white throughout. Her dark brown eyes have a haunted look in them. Dresses in tanks and shorts or jeans normally. Has several prison tats and scars on body. Has teardrop tats under each eye though the right ones are like actual ears.
Personality Usually calm and collected. An outright flirt as well. Unless she sees someone abusing others. Then El Loco takes over. She gets crazed and will sing Everyday as she pulls out weapons.
Occupation Bartender
Theme Song Everyday by Buddy Hollythough sung in latin by Maria

likes/Dislikes Reading, writing, jiu jitsu and machete training, tequila, dancing more tequila Dislikes Abusive people
Orientation Straight with bi-tendencies
Sexual Likes Oral, anal, rough and choking
Sexual Dislikes abuse, scat, gore, bathroom play

History Maria is the third of the 4 Davenport sisters. Though it was close but Marie was born first. She's definitely the black sheep of the family. She's also been in and out of trouble with the law since she was thirteen. Only one knows why. She was on her way home from swimming when some rednecks assaulted her. Marie helped clean her up so their parents didn't find out. A few weeks past then Maria saw one of the men watching Marie. It was the first time El Loco came out to play. She walked up to the truck grabbing a crowbar from the back and beating the crap out of him. It was her first time inside, it wouldn't be the last.

Since that time she's spent more time inside then out. Her gang was similar and in truth Maria feels safer behind bars. A few years back though something happened that would affect her. She was drinking at the original Lonely Hearts bar when she left. Totally hammered but this was normal as she climbed behind the wheel. That night she spent cuffed to a hospital bed charged at the time with two counts of vehicular manslaughter. By morning a third charge was added as the woman was pregnant.  When Maria learned who it was she was devastated. Her "Aunt" Evelyn. Also her father. Before going inside she learned her mother committed suicide. On the inside she had two special teardrop tats done. Not to take pride in their lives, to mourn them.

After getting out she went to pack up. She had a light sentence and did it all. She was 19 going in and was now 27. She's moved a few times  only leaving when Marie found her. During the last she told her twin she needed time to find herself. Two years later she's still outside when before she couldn't go a year. Recently though she did something that could jeopardize this. A redneck about to throw a sqirming bag in the river. She killed him and adopted the pups.