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Welcome to Arcane & Auras

13:53, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Olly Dawnstrider

Appearance: Olly stands at 6 feet tall, his figure an intriguing blend of ethereal grace and the raw edge of urban survival. His dusky skin seems to absorb and reflect the city's neon lights, lending him an otherworldly aura amidst the chaos. His intense crimson eyes bear witness to both weariness and determination, reflecting a life that has experienced both darkness and newfound purpose. Cascades of dark hair frame his face, occasionally stirred by the city's winds, while his attire, a combination of common clothes and a touch of urban edge, is adorned with pockets of all sizes. A slender but sturdy build speaks of his agility and resourcefulness.

Personality: Beneath Olly's often quiet demeanor lies the heart of a survivor, fiercely determined to prove his worth in a city that often leaves the powerless behind. His experiences have instilled a mixture of pragmatism and aspiration in him. He hides scraps of food and trinkets, remnants of his days surviving on the streets, evidence of his resourcefulness and tendency to hold on to what he values. While he may appear reserved, Olly's empathy for the downtrodden and those who live on the fringes of society is unwavering. His inclination to squeeze into tight spaces reflects his instinct to seek shelter from a world that has not always been kind.

Despite his initial cynicism, Olly's experiences as both a victim and a savior have shaped his ideals. He aspires to prove that he's worthy of a better life, both for himself and for others who have been overlooked by the elite. The debt he owes to the unknown Trauma Warden who saved his life fuels his determination to pay it forward, making him fiercely protective of the vulnerable. His tendency to hold onto trinkets and tokens carries a deeper meaning, symbolizing his connection to the city's hidden corners and to the memories of those who have touched his life. While he possesses a quiet strength, Olly's journey is one of growth and transformation