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13:53, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Ariana Askara

Name: Ariana Askara
Rank: Dynasty (Askara)
Age/Apparent: 22/30
Gender: Female
Race: Human

Tall and slim, at just under 6ft Ariana stands over most other women and, in her tall heels, even many men, her bearing is imperious and dark eyes hard. Her pronounced cheekbones and angular face framed by black hair with crisp lines show a woman who needs to be in control of every aspect of her life. She is orderly, exact and demanding with maturity that defies her age. Addicted to her own plantations leaf from a young age her ebony long pipe is never out of her hand and the distinct smell of burnt tobacco follows in her wake.

She dresses for form and function in black and red, many pieces of expensive and exotic jewellery adorn her, a deliberate showing of her standing and wealth. Mostly seen in a loose kimono styled dress with long skirts and loose shoulders. She is not shy on nudity and quite willing to let others gaze upon, worship and fawn over her perfect body. Pale, unblemished skin contrasts with her dark eyes and long black hair, her slim figure shows slight toning, two moderate handfuls sit pert upon her chest. But for all her heavenly appearance she cannot escape the constant scorn on her face, the look of disgust in her eyes. Everything in this world is beneath her.

Abilities/Skills: Hemomancy. Blood sorcerer, can perform some minor tricks, illusions and divinations. Trying to discover ways to weaponize blood, alter blood that is in a living body.
Incredible Wealth. A favoured child of Askara, Ariana wants for nothing and has access to near unlimited financing for her personal ambitions. Should her bullying and intimidation not get her what she wants she is quite willing to throw incredible sums towards her desires, stubbornly refusing to let anything that she craves remain not hers.

Ariana Askara was a troublesome child, the type that pulled the wings off flies and then graduated to setting pets on fire in her preteen years. As the youngest daughter of an ancient Askaran lineage her parents felt it unseemly to have such violent and cruel tendencies and found ways to have their youngest curb her sadistic actions. Expensive toys were torn apart and destroyed, pets kept going missing and even the maids and help were fearful to play with her for any extended period as she could turn to violence the moment she didn't get her way. This only led her already privileged life to become one of absolute obeisance and fear, even her own family avoided her for much of her early years. Tutors would never remain long, often fleeing the house bloodied and in fear and the slaves that were forced to serve her were treated horribly.

The youngest of their brood by twelve years it was her parents thought that having a playmate her own age to accompany her may curb Ariana's more antisocial behaviours, it was their hope that allowing the young girl to select her own handmaiden would show her some responsibility and some value in the life of others. So, she inspected a line of young slaves of similar age who were presented to the young Ariana, all female children of the Askara slaves were present, eight girls around Ariana's age who would be suitable to provide her companionship. In that line she saw Shardi, a dark-haired girl who returned her callous inspection with a look of curiosity and interest. Ariana chose her plaything and personal slave immediately in that moment.

Taking her new pet home, the first thing Ariana did was lock Shardi in her toybox and leave here there for three days, sleeping peacefully while her new slave wept and wailed. Her treatment only got worse, and she was sure that Shardi encouraged and enjoyed everything she did, even pushing her to go further and harder. Her parentsÂ’ idea worked; by having an outlet for her aggression it improved her studies and behaviour and soon she was an ideal daughter. So long as she kept her perverted tendencies behind closed doors and mostly concentrated on her pet slave.

Now a grown woman Ariana is a cold hearted and calculated entrepreneur, having been given ownership of the Sweet Caress Parlour, a property handed down through many generations since the founding days of Leera.

Like all of her house, Ariana exhibits an outward appearance of wealth and luxury. The finest clothing and most expensive jewellery, the most beautiful and obedient slaves. She dines on only the finest of foods and travels in a gilded coach pulled by twin pegasi.

But this is not just for show, there is indeed exorbitant wealth within the Askara families, much of it unaccounted for and far beyond the worth of their plantations and crops. Whispers pass out of earshot of any Askaran that they have dealt with sinister beings to trade the souls of their slaves or, depending on who you ask, their own, for their immense wealth. Others simply believe it is the Askaran's natural shrewdness that gives them the edge in trade and their wealth comes from far off lands. Regardless of the fact, one thing remains true; their family motto 'All gold falls to Askara' has remained true for centuries.

While all houses have their own expectations for reverence, the Askaran's take it to the extreme. They have been known to bankrupt entire businesses over the smallest slight, entirely unapologetic as families are left destitute and homeless. Members of the high families are rarely seen in public, travelling in opulant coaches between their residences and businesses. Their ruthlessness in trade and commerce has them feared for their financial power more than any strength of numbers or physical intimidation.

Sexual Orientation/Lifestyle: Bisexual, dominant sadist.