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16:45, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Militros Radacke

Name: Militros Radacke
Nicknames/Titles: The White Flame, The Noble Beast (derogatory), Head of House Radacke
Rank: Dynasty (Head of House Rackade)
Actual Age/Apparent Age: 120/35
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual, Dominant
Description: Militros is a fine specimen of a Dynasty male in his mid 30s. He is tall and with a strong, but not overly, musculature. His hair is dark black with a few streaks of gray around his temples and is kept in a backslick, revealing the feintest widows peak. Militros prefers comfortable but presentable clothes, fit for his standing but more subdued compared to the other great Houses, which is the Radacke way. As for colors, he prefers black and red, the latter being the House color and all his outfits contain his own personal emblem, a golden sun with a black background. Usually this is in the form of a golden necklace that is shaped like the sun. Militros doesn't carry much in the way of equipment, only a simple dagger and a coinpurse, usually he doesn't need more than that to get the job done and if the situation would require it he would arrive with the proper items. He does have an old armor from his younger days as a more martial man but these days, when combat is expected he prefers a staff to concentrate his power and if caught by surprise his power alone is sufficient for protection. He is very respected, and feared, by the slaves that serve him and his House but also by his other family members.

Militros condemning a slave to the gallows


Sorcery: Militros is a highly respected and accomplished sorcerer of the highest order. He was born with his powers and when he was a young man he started to train and practice like most who are born with magic tend to do. Militros can levitate and fly, teleport, cast protective wards and barriers, move things with his mind, shoot flames and other energy from the palm of his hands and perform limited divination. He can also communicate with people through telepathy. The magic inherent in his blood is what keeps him young but also of great health and physicality, he is stronger, faster and more durable than the average man. He isn't focused on physical pursuits however so he isn't as physically strong as others who might make it their focus, Militros focuses on the previously mentioned powers and aspects of sorcery. He can, however, augment his physical powers with sorcery should the need arise. Militros is inept when it comes to healing magic, as far as controlling the elements goes he only commands fire and lightning, the only way he would be able to command the others would be through his telekinesis. The only form of divination he knows is pyromancy and he doesn't dabble in necromancy or demonology because of the potentially treacherous result.

Experience: Because of his experience as an adventurer who fought for plunder to bring back to his House Militros is an experienced combatant with melee weapons, his sorcery and a combination of the two. In the past decades he hasn't been as active in the martial sense, not as much as he used to, so while he is still a formidable combatant with weapons he isn't as good as he used to be and without his powers he would be bested by more skilled and physically stronger opponents. Thanks to his years as Spymaster for his House he has plenty of connections, both political and more unsavoury kinds. Militros has rudimentary skill in statecraft, finance and architecture.

Militros interrogating a prisoner

History: Militros grew up as the youngest son of the (at the time) current head of House Radacke, Thyros. His older brothers became warriors and studied the blade, but Militros was born with magical capabilities and stuck with books and his magical tutors instead, he only dabbled in martial training unlike his more specialized brothers. After several years of extensive training he left his home and family for a life of plunder and conquest, a custom common in the Radacke family. For several years that's precisely what Militros did, he fought and killed for money as a mercenary and claimed plunder for himself and his men. Once he actually returned, two decades later, things had changed. His father had died and his older brother Memnos was now in charge of the Radacke household. Militros proved his loyalty to his House and his skill by collecting all the gold, silver and beautiful artifacts and gifting them to Memnos as a show of good faith. Shortly after Militros rose to the position of Spymaster and took care of the more subtle affairs and problems his House had. He served faithfully for several decades until his brother died at which point Militros took up the mantle of leadership. Now, a recent head of House he means to expand the power of his Dynasty.

Militros leading troops