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Welcome to Tidal Desires

09:52, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)


Name: Neeshika (Nishi)
Rank: Slave
Age/Apparent: 18/18
Gender: Male
Race: Human

Standing just over five feet tall Nishi is short by Kornt standards but of average height among his own people. Even as a slave he attempts to maintain a regal bearing, his back straight and chin held high. Despite his short stature he manages to appear to be looking down on those around him, challenging his current position. While haughty and proud he is entirely unthreatening and, no enslaved, has no power at all. His attitude is a source of great amusement for his handlers who rile him endlessly, much to his humiliation.

An androgenous looking young man Nishi is often mistaken for a girl, causing him great embarrassment and an immediate correction to the fact. Slim and short, Nishi has the brown skin common of those from his desert homeland, short, scruffy black hair and serious brown eyes. His earlobes, nose and septum are pierced however he wears no jewellery, presumably having had it taken from him when he was stolen as slave. For a slave he appears to be in remarkably good condition, washed with smooth, unblemished skin, bright eyes and white teeth, hands and feet well-manicured and hair lustrous and clean. That he has been able to maintain such beauty speaks of his privileged upbringing and the luxuries the boy had afforded to him.

None. -yet-

A prince of the desert nation of Koora, Nishi was born into a life of luxury and wealth. The middle child of seven he, along with his siblings, had the finest tutors in sport, etiquette, and academia, causing him to grow up in his younger years believing he knew more than most others. He was teased by his brothers and sisters relentlessly for his arrogance, his siblings knowing exactly what to say to embarrass or anger him, but this mocking only caused Nishi to seek out more knowledge, more education, so he could best every one of his family.

Never one for violence Nishi would use words to spar with those who dared torment him, cutting them down ruthlessly with his quick wit and sharp tongue. His education was his strength and what he lacked for in brawn or martial skill he made up for in his dedication to learning.

Slavery was not practiced in Koora, so it was unexpected when a group of bandits who called themselves the Bone Bonds came upon him as he was reading a book of poetry at a remote oasis. Nishi, announcing he was a Prince of Koora, demanded they lay down their arms and accompany him back to the city where they would be judged for assaulting royalty, and he would assure they have a fair trial. This, of course, was met with raucous laughter from the bandit group, whose leader quickly informed the young man that if he was, indeed, a prince then he would fetch a high sum in the slave markets out east.

They stripped him of his valuables and clothes and tossed him rags to wear. They recognized the value in the pampered little prince so did not bind him or hurt him, instead keeping him under constant guard and chasing him down whenever he tried to escape. To Nishi's credit he never begged or bargained, instead accepting his position, and waiting for the opportune moment to escape. He even took a fancy to one of the bandits, but the man rebuffed him, scruffing up his hair and telling him to behave, which infuriated Nishi. The bandits were well aware an exotic, virgin, princeling from across the other side of the world would be their golden ticket, so ensured he was kept in as good a condition as they could manage for their six-week journey to Leera.

Arriving in Leera, the bandit slavers he had been travelling with put Nishi up for sale in the Market of Chains, hoping to attract an otherworldly offer for this one-time-prince.

Coming from a nation which did not permit slavery Nishi is entirely unprepared for what he may encounter in Leera. His extensive reading has given him some knowledge of what to expect however the reality of slavery, the Dynasty Houses, and the leadership in Leera is not something he has experienced firsthand.

His homeland was one of rigid law and Nishi is a firm believer in upholding individual standing, showing respect to your betters and following good morals and social rules. He was brought up to be taught you must be hard, but fair with your subjects and provide them with inspiration and motivation to do well and act in good faith.

Sexual Orientation/Lifestyle: Bisexual