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Welcome to Andalite Bandits (Animorphs)

01:18, 3rd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Xavier Hudson

HP: 25

Morph time         6 seconds morph     6 seconds demorph
Blend              -2 morphed          +1 demorphed

       morphed: [dice=3d6-2 text="What you're rolling to do"]
       demorphed: [dice=3d6+1 text="What you're rolling to do"]
       Xavier gets +4 to all Blend rolls against Grandfather, and does not face a penalty for length of time spent away.

Flight             -1 to all winged creatures

       Moving quickly: [dice=3d6+0 text="What you're rolling to do"]
       Continuing to move for more than 20 minutes: [dice=3d6+2 text="What you're rolling to do"]
       Catching thrown objects: [dice=3d6-6 text="What you're rolling to do"]

Self-Control       -1 morphed          -1 demorphed

       morphed: [dice=3d6-1 text="What you're rolling to do"]
       demorphed: [dice=3d6-1 text="What you're rolling to do"]
       Gain control of a new morph: [dice=3d6+0 text="What you're rolling to do"]
       Gain control of a familiar morph: [dice=3d6+0 text="What you're rolling to do"]

Vigilance          +0

       Determine current vigilance level: [dice=3d6+0 text="What you're rolling to do"]
       Understand a situation better: [dice=3d6+0 text="What you're rolling to do"]

Bullshit Artist
Following a failed Blend or Self-Control roll while not in morph, roll 3d6 to see if you can talk your way out of the situation. For a successful roll (10+), you fast-talk one person in the vicinity into believing that they didn’t just see what they thought they saw. You must roll again for each additional person you wish to bullshit. This effect will not work against hork-bajir, taxxons, andalites other than Ax, or yeerks who saw you morph.

Single Clear Line
At a moderate Vigilance Level, roll Vigilance Assessment at a +5 once per day. On a successful Vigilance Assessment roll, gain the ability to ask the Ellimist three questions about the environment or political situation in order to gain knowledge about how to approach a battle. You cannot use this feat during combat time, or against your own teammates. If the Ellimist chooses to answer (under no obligation to do so), then the Ellimist must also roll 1d100 to see how Crayak gets revenge.

Class Clown
Once per day, if one of your teammates fails a Self-Control roll while outside of combat time, roll Vigilance (Level + Assessment) to notice and respond. On a successful Vigilance roll, come up with some silly observation or bleakly existentialist wisecrack about the situation. The Ellimist’s judgment of how funny you are will determine the success of your attempt to get a teammate to regain Self-Control.

Baby Driver
Whenever encountering a human ground vehicle (car, golf cart, tank, etc.), you can roll 3d6-3 to get the vehicle running, and 3d6-4 to operate it while in any human or vaguely humanoid shape. Failed rolls will not mean that the car stops (unless they’re critical failures of 3 or lower), but will mean that the car takes various forms of damage. While driving, you make all Blend checks at -6 to pass as a licensed driver.

Xavier’s Achilles Heel
For every round that Xavier is in combat with any yeerk using Grandmother as a host, Xavier must make a Self-Control roll +2 to continue fighting. Following a failed roll, Xavier must roll 1d6 and remain unable to attack (with Dodge, defense, and bonus actions)

Saving Throws (don't forget your morph modifiers!)
Blend: [dice=1d6+0 target=3]
Dodge: [dice=3d6+0]

Morphs Acquired
MorphStat ModifiersSpecial Abilities
Human (base form)Speed: moderate-slow (-1 to all Dodge rolls; enemies are at +2 Dodge)
Hit dice: does 1d6 -2 bludgeoning damage if unarmed
Endurance: 4 rounds, after which you must disengage for 1 round
Environments: woods, flat land, sub/urban environments; can survive desert and tundra indefinitely if properly equipped; can survive deep water for up to 30 minutes if unequipped

Xavier is a theater kid at heart and this comes as a surprise to nobody. He is sociable, boisterous, flamboyant, and not at all afraid to speak his mind. He often wears unique outfits pieced together himself.

At home, he lives with his grandfather who supports Xavier wholeheartedly, but whom has become distant after the death of Xavier's parents a few years back, plus the disappearance of Xavier's grandmother (presumed to have died in a plane crash at sea on her way to a business conference). Xavier has no siblings, and only has a pet painted turtle named Hamlet.

Xavier's Morphs

