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Welcome to Caught in the Currents

13:22, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)


Name: Kourr
Aliases: None
Age: 22
Gender: Male
Race: Beast Kin (Gnoll)
Height: 6'0"

Appearance: Kourr has a long and lean build for a Gnoll male and one that gives vague notion that he is still quite young and has some "filling out" to do. He has fairly common coloration for his kind, a mix of brown and tan fur speckled with black and a prominent "ridge" of stiff hair from his head down to the middle of his shoulder blades. He has a burn scar at the base of his left ear that spreads down to his neck and that fur is discolored and gray.

Dressed for long days in the wild, he often wears comfortable looking leather armor and a belt that holds a single edged short sword as well as a soft quiver full of arrows with red fletching. Depending on his plans for the day he may wear a light pack, a sturdy looking recurve bow or carry a spear. His prized possession is a tooth from the dragon Rubicundus, capped at the root with steel which he wears on a thick chain around his neck

Personality: Kourr is patient and calculating for a Gnoll, a trait he has polished over the years with his trade as a hunter for his Clan. Not the brightest or strongest, he is likely one to play the long game and to avoid rash decisions. He has an interest in the natural world, the creatures he hunts and in travel, which stands at odds with his inclination towards strong loyalty and family. A follower of Lupus, he has an interest in spirituality but is also wary of settling down quite yet. He feels he has a lot to do and accomplish before he focuses on a mate and children.

A practical creature and a realist, Kourr tends to act in whatever way tends to benefit himself and those he cares for in the moment without needless cruelty or idealistic altruism. His motivations tend to be simple and easily understood even if some might criticize his opportunistic or mercenary outlook.

Skill Sets

[Athletic] Light on his feet and fairly agile, Kourr can cover ground quite quickly when he has a mind to and is comfortable climbing, jumping, swimming and remaining active for long periods of time. Lean and toned, he is not as strong or as tough as some of his peers but he is healthy with excellent endurance.

[Hunter] Kourr is handy with a bow, can track and cut for sign and can butcher, skin, cook and tan to a passable degree. Hunting has been his trade since his youth and his primary source of income and he is familiar with the habits of beasts and the areas they might be found in. Having spent a lot of time in the wild he can navigate well. He has a good general feel for the weather and can cover ground quickly when he has a mind to. He is comfortable looking after others, foraging, finding shelter from the elements and sleeping rough.

[Communicative] Like many of his kind, Kourr has a knack for picking up languages and communicating through gesture, smatterings of learned tongues and body language. Certainly no scholar and not especially literate, he is still able to make himself understood with a surprising variety of individuals and to catch the jist of their meaning in turn.

[Perceptive] Kourr has an excellent sense of smell even when compared to his own people and his hearing and vision are both keen. Between being able to see quite well in the dark and to smell faint traces on the breeze there are few mundane beasts of the field that can elude him for more than a few days. He oftentimes can tell more about a person than they might guess, from their last meal to their last lover.

Neutral Aspects

[Gnoll] Kourr embodies a lot of the stereotypes about Gnolls and Beast Kin in general. This may be a good or a bad thing depending on who you ask. He is what he is and he does not pretend to be anything else. Like all his kind he has a mouth full of sharp teeth, an extra joint in his legs and blunt curved nails.

[Loyal] Loyalty is a deeply held personal belief and he is likely to act in concert with others he feels a strong connection with rather than speak up or act on his own. He is restricted by tradition and reputation and is likely to share more openly with his kin, leading to less accumulated wealth. To some this is an admirable quality and something to be respected while it can make him seem like a weak willed pawn to others.


[Beastial] Kourr is hairy, he smells like a Gnoll, and he tends to growl, bark, scratch, sniff and do all the things one might expect. Many people take offense to the scent of wet Gnoll, of being openly sniffed, or get frustrated by the growling throaty accented Common. He is not as concerned about nudity and is not especially clean.

[Dim] Kourr is not the brightest. While patient and competent he will never be a great thinker and complexities and nuances often elude him. He often enjoys simple pleasures and strives for simple goals. He sometimes asks funny or obvious questions.

[Young] In his early twenties, Kourr can be seen as immature by older and more experienced individuals. He is less likely to be taken seriously because of his age and he has not accumulated much wealth. Despite demonstrating patience and long term planning skills, his demeanor and outlook sometimes stand at odds with the occasional wisdom he does display.

Notable Equipment: Leather Armor, Bow and Arrow, Spear, Short Sword, Dragon Tooth

Likes: Being outdoors, friendly competition, cooking and eating
Dislikes: Boredom, needless complexity, certain strong smells and loud noises
Habits: Growls, scratches, sniffs often, invades personal space and walks very quickly

History: Born to the Cackle Clan during a period of frequent travel, Kourr has the good fortune of parents that cared enough about him to pass on their trade, wisdom and faith. A patient cub by nature he tended to listen and learn more than some peers and he decided on a simple but welcome trade from an early age which he pursued without deviation.

Not one to chase glory or status, Kourr became a reliable provider and had the benefit of being born at a time when the Clan covered a lot of ground. He became comfortable on the road, in the bush and in having to find food and game in a variety of climates and terrain. Unfortunately he never had the wit or notion to really capitalize on his modest successes and he remained quite poor and unimportant throughout his youth.

Recently this has changed however when he was called upon to help scout the fortifications of Rubicundus, a Red Dragon that his Chieftess was intent of finding and slaying. Being both a part of the party that found the dragon and a survivor of the great hunt to slay the beast, he found himself lifted out of obscurity by reward and recognition, including charge of a small collection of properties and given one of the teeth of the Wyrm as keepsake and trophy.

What he will do with his newfound fortune and prestige he does not seem quite sure, but the Dragon's death seems to have set him on a road to greater things.

Connections: Member in good standing of the Cackle Clan, currently charged with collection of rents form Clan properties and occasional other services.