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Welcome to The Stuffed Animal Warriors of Bedrum Children's Hospital

06:49, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

The Stuffed Animal Warriors of Bedrum Children's Hospital

When the first child was born, the forces of evil found those glimmers of pure light and innocence valuable, and they lusted after them. Not soon after a mother stitched together some left over pelts, stuffing them with grass and gave it to the child as a protector against the night.  That mother's love blessed the creation, and when the sun set and the moon rose the first Stuffed Animal Warrior arose and stood alone against the night to defend innocence from the forces that might devour it. For centuries stuffed toys held their vigil against the night, but as time passed and science and reason pushed magic aside, the little warriors disappeared, replaced with the likenesses but not the life.


Bedrum Hospital- It was built with love.  There was no other way to put it.  The community planned and raised the money.  Architects, builders, artisans, and artists from every corner of the globe volunteered their time to make it a reality.  The concept was simple- Save children's lives.  No parent would be sent a bill.  It was all paid for through donations from those who wanted children to win the war against disease. Care through caring.

Perhaps that was what made the magic return.  Perhaps it was the small cloister of statues from every religion honoring those gods dedicated to the preservation of children.  Maybe it was the combined prayers, wishes, hopes, and dreams of desperate parents- but one night a teddy bear opened his eyes, picked up his sword and began the fight in earnest once more.

This is Bedrum Hospital: will you join the fight?

The Stuffed Animal Warriors of Bedrum is an adventure free-form. All the playable characters will be stuffed animals.

The Premise:

The halls and rooms of Bedrum Hospital are under siege.  It is up to you and your fellow defenders to fight the fight against the monsters of the night.  To win back hope and joy and push the forces of decay and despair into shadows once more.