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00:41, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

IC: Crown and Skull.

Posted by rabideldar
member, 219 posts
Role Playing Bastard
Wed 14 Feb 2024
at 17:35
  • msg #1

IC: Crown and Skull

I recently bought this and I wondered if anyone else would be interested? Here is the primer:

It's a D&D like game. The concept is the world is pretty much already created for the DM which I love.

  • No stats, skill driven and equipment driven.
  • Players do most of the rolling so similar to Dungeon World.
  • No HP, you lose skills and equipment as you take damage.
  • Monsters use tactics against the players which leads to more variety than you hit, I hit, you hit.
  • Combat/Action seems to be directed by Phases rather than initiative.

Overall seems to have a decent system from what I can tell. One of the more role-playing systems I have seen. The players guide is free to download here: Crown and Skull

You can create a character using the roller online here: Character Creation

Would anyone be interested to play? Obviously everyone would be newer to the game so learning would be included in playing. Mistakes will happen but overall the world and character gen looks fun. More of a faster game play.
member, 3 posts
Sat 2 Mar 2024
at 10:03
  • [deleted]
  • msg #2

IC: Crown and Skull

This message was deleted by the user at 16:55, Sun 03 Mar.
member, 4 posts
Sun 3 Mar 2024
at 16:54
  • [deleted]
  • msg #3

IC: Crown and Skull

This message was deleted by a moderator, as it was against the ToU, at 17:58, Sun 03 Mar.
supporter, 2031 posts
Tue 5 Mar 2024
at 03:54
  • msg #4

IC: Crown and Skull

In reply to rabideldar (msg # 1):

I just watched a video on this on youtube. I'd be interested, but would like to understand if the game is focused on dungeon crawling or something else?
member, 222 posts
Role Playing Bastard
Wed 6 Mar 2024
at 20:26
  • msg #5

IC: Crown and Skull

In reply to rabideldar (msg # 1):

I just watched a video on this on youtube. I'd be interested, but would like to understand if the game is focused on dungeon crawling or something else?

Right now as I see it's pretty open to whatever the players would want to do. So if Dungeon Crawling is your game Diablo style. I am fine with that as long as you occasionally come up for air.
supporter, 2034 posts
Wed 6 Mar 2024
at 20:40
  • msg #6

IC: Crown and Skull

Quite the opposite. I've played 30 years of "A guy in a tavern paid me 200 gp to die in a dungeon"

After Baldur's Gate 3, I can get that experience on the computer fast, and better than anything I can do in text. So now, I am looking for a campaign where I can play a noble lord, or a necromancer or something with a little hybrid domain building mixed in.

What intrigued me about crown and skull was all the innovative ideas like not rolling to hit - it's so clever that I wish I had thought of it. You just roll damage and have to beat their damage resistance to get the same outcome. One less dice roll, same amount of RNG/tactical.

However, I'd rather not play a bunch of tactical battles. I'd rather a setting like

A noble lord ruling over a manor. As the ruler of your dynasty, you'll manage your family's fortunes, navigate complex political landscapes, and engage in diplomacy and warfare to expand your realm. With intricate character management and dynasty-building mechanics, you'll experience the challenges and triumphs of medieval rulership.

A necromancer seeking to become a Lich. Using a point build system, you can create zombies and skeletal monsters to do your bidding. As you progress through the game, you'll unlock new abilities and spells to strengthen your undead army and overcome increasingly challenging obstacles. With immersive VR gameplay and strategic decision-making, you'll embark on a dark and thrilling quest for ultimate power.

Run a merchant's guild in a fantastical world filled with floating islands and airships. As the head of your guild, you'll buy and sell goods, explore new territories, and expand your trading empire. With a focus on economics and resource management, you'll need to make shrewd decisions to maximize profits and outmaneuver rival merchants.

Does that make sense? I think though it's crucial the GM create a campaign that they would enjoy running.
This message was last edited by the user at 20:41, Wed 06 Mar.
member, 225 posts
Role Playing Bastard
Wed 6 Mar 2024
at 21:01
  • msg #7

IC: Crown and Skull

Yup. So something less hulk smash and something more political in nature. I don't think that's a problem but it does take away from the combat in most games which is a bulk of the things that people enjoy.

I think Crown and Skull can do that to a point. The Merchant guild, check. The Noble lord, check. Necromancer could probably be done but it would be harder to do...when you look over the magic it would take some balancing to run a necro but it could be done just much harder than the other two.

I would think the merchants guide would probably be fun. I love the idea or airships and floating locations.
supporter, 2036 posts
Wed 6 Mar 2024
at 22:00
  • msg #8

IC: Crown and Skull

Not necessarily "political", but not hyperfocused on tactical battles. That's hard to run on PBP compared to how easy it is on table top or computers these days.

Political sounds like endless debates about zoning laws.

I am talking just let me play a Dragon in a Dragon council and we have our little domain/creche of goblin followers, or a Noble Lord in a Pendragon style world of King Authur with my own Manor Hall and a few villages. Anything in between - a Chaos Knight with a small band of followers, a Vampire Lord in the forsaken lands of the Empire from Warhammer, Paladins and Priests of a fallen god running a crusade. I am open - as long as it's more than just "Roll for random encounters" and "Check for secret traps"

More role play, less roll play.

Giving me some land to care about - some people to care about, allows me to watch them grow and prosper - it gives me a reason to care.

In typical fantasy RPG, you often appear as a lone wolf 1st level character with little to no background, wandering from town to town and ruin to ruin with no roots.

Give me some land, and we can still do the same thing, except now when I ride out to deal with the bandits, it's because they are harming MY people, when I rescue the princess, it's so that I can marry her to my heir, -think more King Conan and Less Conan the Barbarian.

I'd run a thieves guild, captain a starship, lead a dragon council, be a demi-god with my own worshippers like Gilgamesh or Hercules in the age of chariots and city-states. Just add some domain building on the side, and we are good. Ultimately, as the GM - it's more about what you feel would be an interesting thing to run that will give the game longevity.

When you start it - if you are open to it, I'd play. If you want to set it up - and are patient to teach me some of the finer things about the system, I'd appreciate it. I watched the Youtube video but did not buy the books. It really does look like it takes a lot of good ideas and tries to streamline what is "Fun" - so good choice on systems. I'll go out and buy the PDFs for the game soon, so I can read up.
This message was last edited by the user at 22:06, Wed 06 Mar.
member, 226 posts
Role Playing Bastard
Wed 6 Mar 2024
at 22:12
  • msg #9

IC: Crown and Skull

Crown and Skull has the books for free I believe. The GM's portion is the only thing missing.

But I certainly think that's possible. I agree, I hate the places to place type thing. I am currently running a game and I don't think the adventure will ever seen the day of light outside of the current city the players are in and that is pretty much on purpose. They have contacts inside of the city but I've always enjoyed the idea of staying in one location and less of the dungeon/city crawl.

Not sure if Crown and Skull would be that game tho. I am still up in the air on the system since a large portion of the game focuses on combat which by essence of most games is a majority of the plot.

That might do better with some like Power by the Apocalypse (More narrative driven) or even Fate which is highly narrative driven and less crunchy than something like D&D.
member, 25 posts
Mon 11 Mar 2024
at 14:11
  • msg #10

IC: Crown and Skull

I really shouldn't get into any more games but I just saw a review of Crown and Skull this weekend and now am dying to give it a play.

Not sure how well the system or a group game would work toward Malakhon's ideas but I'm willing to give it a try.

So long as you don't expect more than 2-3 times a week for posts, you can count me in.
supporter, 2043 posts
Mon 11 Mar 2024
at 20:06
  • msg #11

IC: Crown and Skull

well keep in mind, I am only throwing out some suggestions - as long as it's not hyper focused on tactical combat and dungeon crawl - I can be down with just about anything. I agree - the system itself is what piques my curiousity more than anything else.
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